Application developers today face considerations orthogonal to the value of their application. Building and using decentralized applications requires carefully reasoning about the security of underlying infrastructure and incentives present in emergent market structures. What are the security and trust assumptions of the chain? How much liquidity is available? What is the finalization time and how will it impact users? What types of applications can it support? While these considerations are important to the overall value of an application today, they aren’t intrinsic to it’s value (e.g., lending application’s value is in loan fees, irrespective of the consideration).

The challenges deepen when developers inevitably broaden the scope of their application to multiple chains chasing revenue from access to deeper liquidity. For example, consider the following naive cross-chain dApp topology: a developer deploys independent AMM contract replicas to each of two chains. Because there is a lack of coordination, LPs of both AMMs lose revenue to cross-chain arbitragers—threatening their participation and therefore the long-term sustainability of the dApp, by introducing misaligned incentives. Such limitations have hindered efforts in building real-world decentralized applications that are competitive with centralized systems.

Intent systems offer one potential solution: they provide the ability for a principal to delegate orchestration of their desired global state transitions to sophisticated agents, known as solvers. Solvers compete in a market for the right to service an intent in exchange for payment, optimizing the principal’s utility function. In principle, applications & their users are therefore afforded cost savings, convenience and access to deep liquidity. However, this isn’t entirely the reality today—in practice, we observe that applications are yet to fully realize this access.

We attribute this fact largely to the complex and dynamically-evolving intent supply-chain that has emerged from the broader environment of profit-seeking actors. Over time, incentives & roles have shifted, trusted relationships have emerged and new capabilities have been developed. Unfortunately, however, how we fundamentally think about dApp development paradigms has remained largely the same.

To better understand how we can enable applications to adapt to shifting market structures, it’s informative to examine the relevant observed trends currently playing out. We outline some of these below.

Such trends will undoubtedly continue to evolve for the foreseeable future. Therefore, while there’s broad agreement that the complexities of the blockchain ecosystem should be hidden from users and dApps, it’s less clear how to do so in a way that balances the needs of applications & users with the realities of the underlying market. Applications must be able to securely and effectively take advantage of emerging technologies and access liquidity wherever it is—while limiting their exposure to the shifting underlying market structures.

The diverse roles, capabilities, and incentives within the intent supply chain must be carefully considered and aligned to ensure that both users and dApps can fully realize the benefits of decentralized technology. Failure to do so will leave the ecosystem fragmented, unusable and insecure. Over a series of future blog posts, we will (1) examine the market structures underlying the intent supply chain more closely; (2) discuss how our observations have motivated our ongoing work in designing *Fabriq—*a general trust commoditization framework and system; and (3) explain how we can move forward to build high-level intent-centric applications, and ultimately achieve our mission of universal fungibility.